Do our dogs behave exactly like us? A dog after my own heart…

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The most beautiful dog on earth according to its owner😉

Whenever me and dear husband have an argument I like to isolate myself until I calm down. That is until dear husband has had time to realize everything is his fault and I am a saint. Which doesn’t really take long considering the man is the only adult in the relationship.

So the other day I was talking to dear husband and he was like: “I think our dog is sulking again🙄”

Me: “Again?! All this dog do is sulk and fart”

Dear husband: “Yeah…Doesn’t that remind you of someone?”

Me: “Well, not really…I mean…”

Dear Husband: “You!”

Me: “Me!? Well, minus the farting part…I hope…”

No answer.

Me: ” I need you to answer this…like you need to reassure me there are more to our marriage than sulking and farting… although I do disown the last part…”

After having a good laugh at my expense he finally answered: ” Of course, honey…”

At this point my ego decided to believe him even though he didn’t look that convinced himself. Sometimes you just got to believe people for your own good, you know…😎.

But all things considered, Rhubarbe is truly a dog after my own heart and personality. We love hard but we sulk just as hard. We don’t hate because it causes wrinkle. We bitch a lot. It’s a way to get the venom out. Other than (all of that😋) we are adorable beings.

You can read more about Rhubarbe here: A new addition to the family

Bisoux and talk soon!😘🐍